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At a meeting held on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, Kyla Dembowski was sworn in as the newest member of the Worthington Libraries Board of Trustees.
Kyla Dembowski begins a seven-year term that will conclude in 2030. She replaces Tom Walsh, who left the board in December 2023 at the completion of his term.
Kyla Dembowski has lived in the Worthington School District since 2014. She is active in the Brookside Elementary PTA and serves as a Girl Scout Troop Leader.
Ms. Dembowski earned her Doctor of Jurisprudence from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. She also received a Bachelor of Arts in the Humanities and a Master of Education from OSU. She is a Staff Attorney at the Ohio Department of Insurance.
In her application to serve on the library board, Ms. Dembowski wrote:
As a lifelong, passionate reader, educator, mother and attorney, I truly value reading above most other pursuits… I want to make sure that all members of our community have access to reading materials that speak to their needs and interests.
In addition to Kyla Dembowski, the library board is served by Kim Anderson (president), Joan Herbers (vice president), Abigail Poklar (secretary), Elizabeth Grieser, Gary Sandefur and Joseph Saverimuttu.